Sunday, May 22, 2011

One Month Old With Yellow Watery Stool

operate open master UQROO Sustainable Tourism Management

The opening of the Masters in Management for Sustainable Tourism Campus Cozumel was approved by the Council of the University of Quintana Roo on 11 May at an extra ordinary meeting, which was working dream long and finally managed to college graduates who wish to continue with their preparation.

Details of this achievement were announced by the director of the Division for Sustainable Development the campus UQROO Cozumel, doctor, Alejandro Alvarado Herrera, who said that after several generations of undergraduate and graduate students in their request, the University of Quintana Roo searched tirelessly in Cozumel was given an MA in Sustainable Tourism Management, which in past days was approved by the Council, what will be the first time that the island will have an education at that level.

This race is divided into two areas of emphasis, which would: Managing Sustainable Tourism Management and the second, Sustainable Management of Natural Protected Areas and Natural Parks, which will have capacity for 20 students only que deseen cursarla.

La selección de los interesados se realizara de manera normal a través del examen de admisión de Ceneval (EXANI III), que será el 2 de julio del presente año, mientras que las fechas de registro se abrirán próximamente, lo cual podrá ser consultado a través de la página electrónica de la universidad de Quintana Roo donde estarán descritas las bases y las fechas para ser aspirantes a esta maestría.

La cual será impartida por ocho doctores, tres de los cuales son miembros del sistema nacional de investigadores y los otros cinco están en proceso de serlo, y nace con la convicción de formar parte del padrón de calidad de programas de postgrado of cognac, it will last more than two years. Finally

mention that this comes from the partnerships we have with other universities abroad such as Valencia, Spain, and the University of Oldenburg in Germany and the University for International Cooperation, Costa Rica, whose teachers will be those who will be giving the lecture on the island to get a better look.

Source: The Quintana Roo


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