Saturday, May 21, 2011

Butane Fuel Advantages

change the rules of Rodeo Mexican boat

Municipal Committee Chairman for Fisheries, Barbachano Juan Herrero, announced the change in the rules of the tournament, Mexican Boat Rodeo, to avoid situations like the recent issue where one of the leaders participated and placed fifth for Cooper a white van.

After disagreements arose between the participants of the 2011 edition, the member of the party that won one of the posts in the tournament, resigned, was reported in a press conference held at the island known cafe Cozumel.
Juan Herrero, chairman of the Municipal Committee of Fisheries, said that during last year's Rodeo Lanchas Mexicanas en la que participaron un total de 157 embarcaciones, se logró recaudar la cantidad de un millón 71 mil pesos.

Dicha cantidad fue distribuida en: 200 mil pesos como devolución al municipio por el dinero prestado que realizaron para llevar a cabo este torneo, ya que a un mes de haberse conformado el nuevo comité, no contaba con recursos suficientes.

De lo restante, que osciló en los 871 mil pesos, se invirtieron en el pago de las tres camionetas: la lobo, el Ikon y la Cooper, que fueron de las cinco camionetas que estaban en juego; las otras dos fueron donadas por el gobierno y el municipio.

Las dos motocicletas fueron donadas por la Apiqroo, por lo que dijo que prácticamente had to withdraw money from their pockets to make this issue, for that reason for this occasion, the DIF can not get the gift that every year this tournament awards.

As for the disagreement of the participants because Alfredo Mimenza committee member participated in the Rodeo of the ship's boats and that chance Guera has been among the top five.

said this was a mistake on his part, which did not anticipate being the first time that organized the event, but noted that this issue was not covered in the rules, so that their participation was legal.

However, he said that to avoid such cases recur in such a prestigious tournament, has changed the rules to ban participants that have to do with the Delegation.

Reason for said at this point to make him see the Treasurer of the Committee on Fisheries, Alfredo Mimenza is decided to resign, since according to him, prefer to participate in the tournament to be part of the organizing committee.

As for the prize, said that the Committee has no authority to request to be returned, this in order to clean the credibility of this tournament, which only belongs to the municipal mayor of Cozumel, defining what will happen with this award granted or, if more removed from office now occupied as president Municipal Committee of Fisheries.

Finally, he said that for the avoidance of such errors that come to damage the image of such a prestigious tournament that has taken 40 years of work to keep it where it is, was announced the formation of the Municipal Fisheries Council composed of the above presidents of the municipal committee, who will be aware at all times and advise the new members of the Committee on Fisheries.

Source: Quintana Roo


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