Saturday, May 21, 2011

Karaoke Revolution Rs

Only 25 police have registered to complete high school Model transparency

quintanarroense reportedly provided by staff of the Coordination of Open High School in the city, so far only 25 city police have registered to conclude their studies at upper secondary and get your certificate. This document is a requirement requested by the National Public Security System (NPSS) for all active police officers from all states of the country from June 2013.

open high school system is an educational service offered to people who have the desire or the need to initiate, continue or complete upper secondary education.

The soldiers that did not need more than having completed primary school to be hired, will now have to have completed high school. However, this is not the only time that police have registered to try and take the average higher open, in 2006 there were about 50 police and were awarded the credential. None asked for a single test.

This year they have come to begin the process it makes it clear that obtaining the credential does not necessarily mean that it complied with the requirement now calls the NPSS.

Open In high school students do not attend a regular school to an educational institution. Should only cover a curriculum of 33 subjects, in which 17 are common stock and other specialty (humanities, sciences and social administration, and physical and mathematical sciences). The registration fee is 40 pesos.

La coordinación de la preparatoria abierta cuenta el material didáctico para que los alumnos se preparen para los exámenes; en caso de necesitar asesoría son canalizados ante algún profesor, del cual deben de cubrir los gastos de honorarios respectivos.

Cada solicitud de examen tiene un costo de 49 pesos, por lo que culminar el plan de estudios tiene un costo total de mil 657 pesos y el tiempo mínimo para concluirlo es de un año y medio. Cada 15 días los alumnos presentan las pruebas y en caso de reprobar alguna materia pueden presentarla las veces que sea necesario.

Con respecto a la presentación del examen del Centro Nacional de Evaluación para la Educación Superior (Ceneval), se in the city reported that there is no representation of the unit, but those interested can register online at page, the tests are presented in Cancun covering the cost of two thousand 300 pesos .

source: News of Quintana Roo Cozumel


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