Sunday, May 22, 2011

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SEP and police recruit in high schools Segob

An agreement signed between the Ministry of Interior (Interior Ministry) and the Secretariat of Public Education (SEP) aims to recruit at high schools in technology education students to integrate municipal police forces and with the high school level. The principals of the schools and Cbtis Conalep have received so far, no information or call.

75% of the soldiers of Cozumel only have high school and despite this they are above the national average. The National Public Security System (NPSS) said that local police 371 000 65% finished high school.

May 6 The agreement was signed to call young people interested in joining the police in the 32 states of the country in what is considered one of the first steps in forming the unified command of Mexican police

Wanted to 14 000 candidates for integration in the operational, intelligence and tactical analysis.

SNSP executive secretary, Juan Miguel Alcántara Soria said day of the signing of the agreement: "We'll campus by campus, classroom by classroom, more than 200 thousand senior high schools throughout the country."

Public Security Bureau so far unknown whether it will make some visits to local schools for new police officers. Cob

Marco Castillo, director of CONALEP in the city, said that so far no federal authority in both state and has visited or sent information on the subject. Alejandro Escalante Medina, director of Cbtis spoke in the same tenor.

Source: News of Quintana Roo Flamboyant


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