Saturday, May 21, 2011

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municipal government supports tenants of Plaza del Sol

municipal government endorsed their commitment to support the merchants of Plaza del Sol in order to revive its business and could move up with the payments to suppliers and the Town Hall.

The mayor, Aurelio Joaquin Gonzalez made it clear he is not interested in seizing assets or terminate any dealer, but indicated the need for effort to be covering their debts with the council.

"For things to go well, so that this government can move forward and fulfill its share, and also that dealers are better and begin to see increased commercial activity must have reciprocity."

Joaquin Gonzalez said he has instructed the Director of Economic Development and Tourism to establish a strategic program for promotion of the mall. "Let's make Plaza del Sol and surroundings shine," said the mayor.

Reiterating the Plaza del Sol building, not concession, or is sold, Joaquin Gonzalez said he will not abandon or neglect the needs of the commercial sector, which for many years has given birth and name to the Historical Center Cozumel.

recalled that a few days ago, the Tourism and Economic Development director, held a meeting with traders in Plaza del Sol and the Artisans to discuss the commercial issues and the economic situation faced by all, but also to listen to concerns and suggestions on how to establish a trade promotion project.

In fact, traders, acknowledged that after a long time, this is the first time a municipal government approaches them to talk, listen and raise work incentives. They explained that many of them came to work with the anguish of the debts that have contracted with suppliers and with the city, but also the concern of the lack of sales.

however, commented that after meeting with city officials, showed more quiet, especially for their commitment to seek a strategic plan for promotion to the Plaza. The mayor

Aurelio Joaquin Gonzalez, acknowledged that the only way to revive the commercial sector of the downtown area is the promotion that must be achieved in a partnership between municipal government and traders.

"We will do everything possible, and what is in our power to make Plaza del Sol shine more brightly, so that traders and not worry more and not be afraid or fear of losing their heritage" he said.



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