Saturday, May 21, 2011

Chunky Mucus Pregnancy

more facilitated small children's rights

Highlighting the importance of knowledge of their rights and enforce the municipality's first social worker, Maria Luisa Prieto Joaquin, gave full support to the 14 smaller ones in the Agenda "diffuser Children "who went to 2 elementary schools and Eladio Gil Novelo Emiliano Zapata, to promote the Rights of Children.

Members of "Children diffusers" are 14 children belonging to Care Program of Children and Adolescents at Risk (PAMAR), which coordinate, Odalys Ancona Psychologists and Francisco Vivas Hernández Peniche, who in turn, teach the topics at the workshop PAMAR members located in the Colonia Emiliano Zapata.

The main objective of the Children diffusers, as announced by the President of the System for Integral Family Development (DIF), María Luisa Prieto Joaquin, is that they disseminate important issues for children and youth of the island as they are, addictions, values, family, children's rights, rights of children with disabilities, accident prevention, domestic violence, among others, and may in the same way, tell their partners at risk of these situations, prevent and teach them how to react.

In total there were 140 children from 2 elementary schools enrolled in the fifth grade, who received this message from the "diffusers Children", with more to share their knowledge in other schools later to fulfill its purpose, concluded Maria Luisa Joaquin Prieto, first social worker in the municipality.

Source: Response


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