between Critical Consciousness and What
note that these words from small babbling conscious-unconscious, have not flourished as illustrated widespread form of communication [1] , but on the contrary, it avoids being widespread among the majority still unconscious, through the long educational process of capacity-developed and mutilated human disabilities, through the work of different generations can be differentiated from each other, according to the degree of social awareness, active participation and a sense of search and satisfaction, which has with art in the unequal struggle of the existence of being and becoming a true human being, in that talk and listen in their otherness, almost poetic as a revolutionary act of guilt or emancipation, which provides the foundation of respect, dignity and shared understanding between mental and manual, which is vital in the artistic act. That
artistic moment is the achievement of Pedagogy as critical scientific disciplinary knowledge, in charge of care in teaching by example aprehendizaje more virtuous education through research, because of what is human relationships in these survival , is being appropriated the work of another, nor despise, to feel inferior, because doing so destroys the other, unable to recognize in the other I, as a lack of meaning, and so will permanently neutering the other as if it were his executioner, in his own death in life of both the victim and the victimizer, the degree of alienation that is madness, objectification and fetishization; while emasculating the subject be educational in that mirror insensitive to stay in condition not only of solitude, but of indifference, of barbarism and cowardice, which can become torture or folly of a life in vain and superfluous, and were formed the basic senses of becoming human in form, content and meaning that being qualified, in the relations of power and abuse of power, namely the main values \u200b\u200bof humanity: prudence, fortitude, temperate search and sign up as a human being just yet unfinished in order to overcome possible political survival in the intuitive, conscious knowledge based on experience acute and virtuous, that is a universal and particular historical subject cult to defend its vital human rights as an effort of his generation does not tolerate injustice.
Just to clarify the implicit relationship between the feeling artistic and educational event in the constitution aware of the historical subject, in that intersection, you must exalt the search context of the subject, according to their needs radical life, assuming complete with kindness, beauty and truth community, being the universal premise educational event processing specific times and spaces, holding a very simple way, which is the good of the majority since the formation of a historical subject that feels and suffers social inequality, while the effort has memory of that authentic participation of the majority in decision-making and responsibilities, although still not have enough strength to go diluting increasingly since the early communities in problem solving social this time, due to the processes of ideological deception [2] and manipulative, so cover up with an apparent sense of democracy, unilateral decisions on behalf of all, using concepts of technocrats officials, classic in the reproduction of capital, it is clear the pressing need to fight for recognition constitutes between master and slave, understanding the be recognized, as can be appreciated, that is the human being and made gradually, with two weapons in the nuances latent multicultural, multicultural and cross-cultural, gender and ethnic groups, in conclusion on the greatness of obeying, "say the indigenous Chiapas.
These two weapons are mentioned, art and conscious educational effort, because these weapons can serve to combat the primitive sense of possession totalitarian hegemonic capitalism, looking for socialization, but actually hides a great violence [3] , remain clear, which will be developed and run out the subjective and objective material conditions for human change entirely artistic, educational and conscious, that is crucial in the international context, based on the ethical example of socializing anything produced through creativity, critical thinking, imagination, mystery, effort, sweat and shared tiredness, which requires a proven method in educational broad processes of social emancipation, without any insurance model to be generalized, as history has shown.
is therefore essential to the subject through the sensibility of art, awakening common sense, the philosophical, political and conscious in the education of working people, being the highest integral condition and worthy of human beings: free, creative, critical content and community, is recognized by the joint effort.
This guy is in a constant search, is a cultural construction of the educational process and it is also transforming itself through his work, what happens in the various modes of production life, given by the creative, has been the fusion of art and historical consciousness, always applied to processes of self-defense survival or coexistence entails intuitive imaginative and sensitive measure of what remains to be done, becoming subject transformer history of the libertarian Large majorities quality and warmth, as if they were marred the needs of the majority, mass, and has been popularized by the media privatized, which is absent in the thinking once and for all, but that happens in the context of living material and concrete acts of social struggle, then focus the meaning between the criticism and denunciation that announces a new future, or draft life and death.
But what becomes the subject of the educational process in such relations of power? Transforms nature into culture, art in various languages \u200b\u200band in languages \u200b\u200bof science and technology and humanism in learning, since this scenario needs and interests in the service of freedom, not corporate slogan, but as something concrete and real human being, rejecting the excesses and debauchery degrading to apprehend his people be reflected by its ability to govern political and philosophical.
When you feel the same need that is their true story of work, your heart indigenous, mestizo and proletarian so that they understand the great political power they have, but that does not recognize the subject of education, because he has shown a fictional world and oblivious to their class interests, that is the educational process of abuse, which has to be emancipated, streaky recreational in nature and free of consciences made 'mass' by the hegemony of dominant power, to recognize or not recognize-is able to govern in fairness, as we know through history that is possible because there are many attempts generational to his credit to be able to carry in his heart, justice, self-government with political skills on the philosophical question concerning the word being and become a politician emancipatory, or organic intellectual committed to working-class say A. Gramsci, "that is able to condense the necessities of life for a large majority.
Because a critical pedagogical approach, being human condition throughout history, try with higher values \u200b\u200bmake the subject conscious and free will so that it can carry explicitly critical of transforming relations unfair between private ownership of means of production, made good, which is nothing but human labor accumulated by the capitalist exploitation in the hands of a minority monopoly empowered by this bad habit historical which requires all state policy, to generalize his decadent lifestyle, without taking into account the steps the man has had to try to achieve this process of emancipation conscious and happy, that makes him worthy of appreciation as working class.
Since the cultural identity of the proletarian class, is the synthesis or condensation of the entire operation process before, where there is joy and sadness, because it is the current state humanized conscious behavior mediated by the art and education about what causes pain and pleasure, and is expressed in melancholy. Since the nature is different in its essence and the attribute of every being, to go becoming a sensitive humanity erased its borders at the same time advancing their structural contexts of political economy and sociocultural superstructure on the behavior so inseparable, this relationship humanized, can happen with the appearance of two arms struggle, art and education at the service of working people, humanizing in their relations of political power, validated in the social struggle in defense of their human rights more authentic.
Thus the historical subject in itself, what it eats, what he thinks, what he suffers, what it lacks and what dies and lives in the context of today's "Roman circus world between master and slave" know how to distinguish the cultural nuances and political economy that stains the specific context, through the cultural screen, its historicity, memory made immortal by the importance of global action in every latitude, from the presence and ingenuity of the child made man, both Animal Generic exploitation of the capitalist market, as the spearhead of civilization in the hegemony of private capital.
This relationship of production and articulation rather than education, is supported necessarily the art itself, which has been deployed from the tribal property, communal property, feudal property and now materialized in the backlog, which increases by exploited child labor, because each child worker, only a combined commodity, an investment and a wage scale for monopolistic moguls, and the human body has become alienated and reified fetish in the commercial logic for be used and disposed of in "Automatic" in the garbage of drug trafficking and prostitution in the world, that figure of private property that has its being and their work in low-intensity war, only to arms sales by "decree international treaties of the capital "hiding his true form and content of education, environmental degradation, loss of energy resources alteration of GM food, or decomposition of the cultural fabric of Mexican national territory in particular, since it is increasingly blur the geopolitical border colonized by capital in the subjugation of the working class, not only in poor countries colonized but also in rich countries settlers. This territory
world and specifically in Mexico, the abuse of military power, economic-financial, cultural, parliamentary and state-hierarchical and violent government, determine what the drug cartels today, suffering the lawlessness of this space and decadent time of crisis, more and more like with the history of Colombia or the war in Afghanistan, this new situation of socio-cultural fabric is a public denunciation of specialists in media, which in many cases has cost the lives of journalists disseminate and socialize the implications of these market relations, and therefore, are not yet popular in conscious values \u200b\u200bsubversive artistic sublimation, in this decadent era of imperialist finance capital, however, is about to awaken the consciousness of present and future generations, due to lack and it is this spirit of humane consciousness, which knows to act in a sensitive and transformative, as a major international force in This no doubt.
Since human reality can only be social, that is educational, so it is necessary that the wish of each of the historical subjects, calculated on different time scales, lead or may lead the wishes of others, on a bridge effective learning, because it is painful and heartbreaking survival scenario and the scenario to make sense of acts of experience, to share their dreams with the other self, from that secure attachment and insecure at the same time, because there are no certainties, but only attempts to humanize the educational process and for a possible historical emancipation of social control in education.
But what about the relationship that makes sense only to the Question of Being: Who affection with my actions from the boundary discussed and agreed with the few words that have to communicate?, unlike the limit has been imposed by the abuse of power institutional political or parliamentary law on the false suffered lawlessness, there is the mosaic art education aware connected to the process of being and becoming human. Since
, an animal desire to be 'natural', living only in the sense of his life and death, not directed at a real object 'positive', but another desire (in a string of desires [4 ] ), because you do not want the other's body, to possess and assimilate, but to recognize, not your desire, but on the other's desire, and collecting at least that human history is the history of unwanted desires, and perhaps understand that fair trade movement is the essence of the proletariat, or the essence of the liberation movement of the yoke of capital, thus eats man wishes to preserve his life, which is attached to your sensitive or grotesque historical memory, naive or acute, in short, subjected the subject of education for freedom and sentenced to death, both moments are scary, because if you know how to die, you also know how to live, ie it is not to be kneeling but standing.
We believe that this is pedagogical task even implied criticism needs to be done explicitly, and this accelerated in the emancipatory process, gestated and developed historically as a vital need of humanity today, in the fierce class struggle and divine caste, to achieve the socialization of what occurred to regain their majorities do with being and happiness, equality, welfare and tranquility, which is why it continues to be more primitive humanizing or more comprehensive capabilities developed through formal education, informal and non-formal, understood as a whole indivisible integrity of the interdisciplinary ethnic, gender and multicultural for human emancipation, based on a global proletarian education, but today only on the condition of monopolistic exploitation, street children and the adults forced to work as slaves for their masters, begin to understand and ask the hard way what the limit such ungrateful injustice, until the revolutionary consciousness with transforming spirit, popularize the reasons for their emancipation in public and do not run as a private matter for the moguls who manipulate the great majority, in favor of capitalist profit.
political criticism and philosophical teaching, indicates differences of meaning and taking off the life of the majority, for that reason has the most knowledgeable, will also have more responsibility, and therefore, in the educational process thanks to their predecessors by their criticism, the way that has worked in broad historical processes of emancipation, ie the recognition of being one and the same all partners in this effort, work and action libertarian-Arendt poses.
Complaint Instead, it puts the ultimate limit determined based on the history and practice, evidence of injustice, and without rebuttal, that must be overcome for the emancipation of the majority, which is a conscious and virtuous in the social struggle and historical reason for most cultivated and found as lack and need at a time, from that generation its own instruments and strategies of struggle to survive with dignity as real human beings with an awareness activist. In this respect Lenin
[5] expressed from the philosophical and political conception of scientific socialism, "Classes are large groups of men differ from one another: 1) the place they occupy in a system of social production determinado.2 historically) by the relationships found with regard to the means of production (relations, in large part, are established and fixed by law) <…> ... 3) in self-recognition of class identity of the movement, organization and social control in shaping the historical subject, ie according to the degree of social and historical consciousness assumed in the educational process of the class struggle ... <…que los unifica como proletariado…> <…> 4) for his role in the social organization of work, and accordingly. 5) by the manner and extent to which obtained the social wealth that disponen.Las classes are groups of people, one of which can appropriate the labor of another by virtue of the different places that either occupy a structure certain social economy. " In the sense between art and technical, historical consciousness as a whole and emancipatory education as a process of humanizing values. In this paper, we tried to focus, some methodological features for a political re-education that falls in this century, through proletarian revolutionary Unit [6] .
[1] For illustration means "the philosophical direction defined by the commitment to extend the criticism and guidance of reason to all areas of human experience. Kant wrote: 'The Enlightenment is the liberation of man from his guilty disability. The failure means the inability to use his intelligence without the guidance of another. This inability is guilty because its cause is not is the lack of intelligence but of determination and courage to serve it by itself ... Have the courage to use your own reason: this is the motto of the Enlightenment '(Was ist Aufklärung?, In op. Cit, Cassirer, IV, P. 169; trad. Eng.: Philosophy of the Enlightenment, Mexico, 1943. FCE, Pp 185-186. (regard) (... Cassirer cites three different and related aspects including the Enlightenment ...) 1) the extent of criticism of any belief or knowledge, without exception, 2 ) conducting an awareness that to be open to criticism, including instruments and organize for self-correction, 3) effective use in all fields the knowledge gained in this way, with the aim of improving individual lives and associate men. These three aspects, or rather the core tasks are, overall, one of relapsing forms of understanding and practice of philosophy and, especially, which has already found expression in the classical age of ancient Greece. (...) For modern Enlightenment is commonly understood the period from the last decades of the seventeenth century to the last decades of the eighteenth century, and this period is often referred to simply as Enlightenment, Enlightenment or Enlightenment ". Abbagnano, Nicola. Dictionary of Philosophy. Editorial Ariel, Barcelona 1994. Pp 648-649.
[2] Ideology is a lucid and external relation of utility or pure guile. When the 'rising class' bourgeois developed in the course of the eighteenth century, a humanist ideology of equality, freedom and reason, brings its own demands the form of universality, as if he wanted, so, enroll in their ranks, preparing them for this purpose, the same men who will not release it to exploit them. Vid. Althusser, Louis et al. Controversy over Marxism and humanism. Ed Siglo XXI, Mexico 1974. P. 22.
[3] violence of an extremely complex network of biochemical factors, social and psychological which, in combination, can lead to a person, group or time violent and aggressive, capable of committing a murder because he gets stuck on one idea and continually returns to it, Freud called fixing or symptom. Journal of popularizing science, UNAM, What do you think? Mexico 2000. No. 17, Year 2. P. 10.
[4] raises Masotta, Oscar, in his book Lessons from introduction to psychoanalysis. Ed Gedisa, Mexico 1991.
[5] Vid. Lenin. A great initiative, Marx, Engels, Marxism. Ed Progress, Moscow. P. 479.
[6] "Communism as the positive transcendence of private property in human self-alienation and, as the appropriation of human nature and man, so as total return, aware and accomplished within the entire wealth of previous development of man for himself as a social man, ie human. " Vid. Dr. Sánchez Vázquez, Adolfo. Of scientific socialism utopian socialism. Ed was, Mexico 1975, reissued book. P. 42.
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