Friday, November 12, 2010

Hair Loss And Flaky Skin Dogs


From time to see the fucking world,
mystery, which nobody understands and speaks as
if you know of time. Anonymous

In conceptions of education [1] , we identified the first human relations, from the most primitive tribe of that milestone were generated power relations in a multitude of nuances in content , form and meaning, according to the times changes occurred, what distinguishes human-inhuman these expressions is, the defense of human rights and intuitive survival instinct that has to do with the promotion of artistic sensibility, and in that sense cultural coexistence and education were developing the abuse of power relations or training as a dominant, initiating the first-born status by their deviation inequality of strength and fear-inspiring destruction, on this human behavior addressed in this letter of educational research.

Because such collective fear that causes the sense of loss of the subject early in their membership and recognition, only the search for self-recognition has been coining the educational process 'integral' as we will reflect, so the fear becomes ever expanding territorially in production processes with increased population, of rapture, of dispossession, reproduction and social transformation of life and death, showing as educational survival instinct incarnate, always returning home, raises the work of Nietzsche, "there lies the recognition of the vital being in its nature and its laws constituted cultural constituents while the subject as a dialectical process-only education, and unique because of its uniqueness nuanced in particular the world of life and death to be defined.

In such tribal kinship and then different conformation families historically objectified material is accompanied by the necessary human values \u200b\u200bin that frame of mind of the subjects according to their mode of production; precisely when the relationship is different from emancipating power and killing power abuse, are developing increasingly more open and polarized, according to the experience, knowledge and insights of the distinct cultural life and death that is conscious, forms survival of conscious and unconscious, and will be a degree of social and historical consciousness, which holds human beings in their world and their world view, by a legendary and current authenticity of political emancipation [2] , but see how the exploitation of man by man, is a historical feature of respect for the earliest forms of private property, to the extent that today, the abuse of political power, is losing territorial borders in the social struggle, to be imposing hegemonic behavior, which to them are foreign dominated, being acculturated, that is imposed in the death struggle for recognition, through the prestige, the dogmas and possession of money, which later becomes irrationally insensitive capital ownership relations of production and appropriation, for this reason, we can explain how today the 'alleged political power is limited by exclusive concern of parliamentary reproductive power of modern societies', because this abuse of origin was castrating through conquest, violence, deceit, sinecures, death and repression in educational, besides the daily enculturation, which is implemented by means of such vital and created confusing and complex mix of social functioning through passion and affections found. Land being the primary means of production defended in this abuse of power, as a generator of life, from there, the abuse of power packs of the work of others, for lack of a truly comprehensive and collaborative dialogue, but rather in change was debasing and cruel wars and intestine with a consciousness of time itself, and from that experience, the law creates hegemonic logic embodied in strong, growing cynicism of brute force and this display of self-consciousness, the humanization of the educational process or according to the material conditions of life from the chaos of home, where so as it is lived socially, is also thought.

In such struggles, it valuesa produced by slave labor, servile and their offspring, ie the working class in the factory today, as sales of products of nature transformed into a culture of domination, they get monopolistic moguls of the financial oligarchy, which is the most complete form of the bourgeoisie, so get that strength Working as a divine gift in the exploitation of the body of the dispossessed of their land by the rulers, to leave without a working tool, then the working class being historically Dam sale of the rulers in that abusive relationship power of the educational process and dogmatic idealist largely mythical-religious, as required by the law of the strongest in nature miracle made manipulable.

Just remember how each specific historical context was happening through the ages, between masters and slaves, feudal lords, kings and serfs divine homeless, to end up as the workers and their families or tribes lumpen-proletarians or vile scum of society ", to not have anything more to sell their labor and their degradation, because the owner of the productive means little by little, every day of its existence, being an educational act ' naturalized 'in the intersubjectivity of the collective insights and individualistic modern and postmodern [3] on divine respect private ownership of means of production, which is reproduced in various forms, contents and significance, this property is only accumulated unpaid work between the haves and have-nots.

These are the first known forms that hold man in his earth-mother, with a sense of shelter safety and abuse at the expense of others' work, or conversely, the content to be life-giving land, food and gratitude in the allegory of the creative work and necessarily shared equity, of which there is a historical roots indestructible, these ties of cultural nuances that are truly a cultural root production and exalted by the sublime values \u200b\u200band may be the traditions and customs, the educational process as satisficing objective material and subjective as consciousness of the subject, According to what the subject is, through the love and care education in the historical-social anti-hegemonic, and could not be seem at first glance, a mechanical movement, but rather is highly contradictory and complex, almost like an endless web of meanings, Geertz poses [4] , so that the historical subject is having memory of his intuitive experience, but is believed that he's losing his memory, but we see that in the control of knowledge and objective experience, knows the subject from the original inspiration embodied in the aesthetic and ethical time, the next step; that only the individual lives in particular, through his own body, which is called constitutively to freedom, to go by human and therefore struggle Classes will not be completed until all historically produced by large majorities are socialized, which means an educational task enhancer; therein lies the historical emancipation of art, education and human consciousness as a social and historical integrity.

also perceived the need of not only religious sense but in the military and artistic display of human sensibility developed or human spirit embodied as a guide, building and constituting the subject, he noted in his first intuitions about right and dominance among unequals as impetus of existence to survive through the repressive state, understood this, like the historic organ of control and oppression of the majority in the search for freedom, being permanently disabled for the sake of corruption for good exclusive privileged minority, it denounces the Marxist theory, through implicit costs, growing symptom of life-death that still inspire awe through the current lawlessness in the executive, legislative and judicial, so you have to put a limit, it takes a presence mainly in sizes: kinship , prestige, property, binding force, among other human-inhuman behavior over the division of labor and the distribution of wealth in a wide horizon of values \u200b\u200bthat form the educational process of a time, to go to meet and overcome the problems in the unfinished desire, knowing that the desire broader in training virtuous of all mankind to this day, is:

"to feel the need of the other in multiple processes of communication open, as space and time for meaningful understanding, which, although situated in a correlation of forces and class interests, relationships, abuse of power, can disrupt dialogue and political-philosophical problematization educational subject, having no historical reasons that argue the need for emancipation of the majority, that is precisely what the artistic sense articulated through the voluntary expression search, sensitive and intellectual, for the lack of understanding rational and dogmatic narrow-mindedness numb, exhausted, the intentions of emancipating power because oppressive abuse of power, hence you bet on the generation of justice, temperance, wisdom and strength to be recognized in this fight to the death conscious or unconscious of the educational learning process, this is the place of finer thread of the artistic act humanized , generated based on prejudice without further discussion of the findings between the formation of social classes that make the inequality is essential and the superfluous. " In that sense it is coining the pedagogical responsibility of the educational act by example, that teaching necessarily, that is required to go through another self, for its possible transformation conscious, creative, liberating, playful and critical, which is only shown with honesty between what is said and what is done for the good of the majority, the strategy of the other self like a mirror which reflects, and feel the vital need in this power struggle to be recognized in the wild, is the shared responsibility of life-death cultivated.

The obvious question is why did we fall into this battle of strength?

In the view of Marx, where it generates scientific socialism that affects critical pedagogy, it has to do with the fact that each person sees only their own interests of survival and vital effort intuitive, not realizing that the very lack human is a difference, but also unifies the educational subject or historical subject stripped of their objects of work, in that the individual human identity settled for their most useful and utilitarian values \u200b\u200bof practical life, only values \u200b\u200bits long history, not reaches even to grasp as a concrete totality inseparable, since the educational subject in the middle of insecurity, just forming their own survival is existential, which is which prompts him to talk about human rights, ie, to exercise real political power from their very young children or temporary space, such training involves conscious historicity of values \u200b\u200bcoined for the sake of the majority, which is undermined by the ruling class or hegemonic meanings of different periods, failing to recognize the working class, to the extent of not even name it, so this right intuitive, facing the emancipatory subject and the resistance of the oppressed, even without knowing clearly, but so does [5] .

Thus the subject is the effect-affect of his words and his actions, showing their love and wishes from the power, which are not merely symbols of meaning and historical memory in this achievement made and desired social communion, such words move gradually due to the referents of human need, who are remembered in times of survival for every historical subject consciously or it not as a person as an individual, group or state-government-people-nation, social class, or finally as an autonomous historical consciousness, for the most comprehensive is the human sense of the context of class struggle [ 6] , who is also a social construction and deliberately becomes the subject under and sublimation of self through the other self, in educational revolutionary emancipation.

Note that these words from small babbling conscious-unconscious, have not flourished as illustrated widespread form of communication [7] , but on the contrary, it avoids being widespread among the majority still unconscious, through of this large-capacity educational process developed and mutilated human disabilities, through the work of different generations can be differentiated from each other, according to the degree of social awareness, active participation and a sense of search and satisfaction, that has to do with art in the unequal struggle the existence of being and becoming a true human being, in this talk and hear in their otherness, almost poetic as a revolutionary act of guilt or emancipation, which provides the foundation of respect, dignity and shared understanding between work intellectual and manual, which is vital in the artistic act.

[1] "Education is thus always an act resulting from a certain social organization, never an individual property." Vid. Canton, Valentina. On behalf of pedagogy. Coord. Fernández and Rivas. Col. Files. UPN. Mexico 2005. P. 48.
[2] Because "The true policy was to Plato a task of a lifetime ... "Vid. Jeannette Ladder Bourillon. Republic and Laws, neoliberalism and globalization, two paradigms in education. . Ed UPN, Mexico 2009.

[3] Burgos Rosa Nidia Bueno, argues that modernity-postmodernity debate revolves primarily around: "The ability or inability to set a transcendental basis, last and final being, politics, ethics, knowledge, etc.. The possibility or not the end of history, the end of ideology and other 'end' going on in that are gone now, once and forever. The overall project viability against the regional, political, economic, cultural, religious, etc. The association of the opposing positions of this debate also antagonistic political positions, eg necessary link between postmodernism and neoconservatism. These controversies do have a lot to do with specific educational projects. It is precisely the philosophy of education, reflective practice that can bring the intermediate to make the bridge between the concerns just mentioned the modernity-postmodernity debate and the specific actions related to the educational orientation "of a country like Mexico. In Philosophy education, postmodernism and educational modernization. Ed CINVESTAV, IPN. N / d. P. 3.
[4] Vid. Geertz, Clifford. Local knowledge. Essays on the Interpretation of Cultures. Ed Polity Press, Barcelona 1994. In this regard a distinction, that cultural representations are by far the sense or meaning of the sign developed between subject and object of knowledge. The sign includes icons (pictures, diagrams, metaphors), the evidence, involving a real connection with their objects, and symbols, which are conventional signs. This makes a triangle between the object, the sign and the subject represented interpretant.
[5] According H. Arendt, "power is basically derived from the ability to act together", ie unity. Vid. The Human Condition, Ed Mexico 2005. P. 14. In this respect the author agrees with Marx, to punish it because democracy is the right the joint action by the majority, so that when the majority have this right, democracy itself will be an asset to achieve.
[6] In the crowning work of Marx, Capital, he adds: "The capitalist process of production plays, therefore, by virtue of their own development, the rift between labor and working conditions , reproduces and perpetuates thus the operating conditions of the worker. Constantly forces him to sell their labor power to live and still enables the capitalist to buy it to get rich ... So, the process of capitalist production of surplus value not only plays but it produces and reproduces the same regime of capital: on one hand the capitalist and the other the wage-worker. " IT Pp 486-487.
[7] For illustration means "the philosophical direction defined by the commitment to extend the criticism and guidance of reason to all areas of human experience. Kant wrote: 'The Enlightenment is the liberation of man his guilty disability. The failure means the inability to use his intelligence without the guidance of another. This inability is guilty because their cause is not lack of intelligence but of determination and courage to avail himself of it ... Have the courage to use your own reason: this is the motto of the Enlightenment '(Was ist Aufklärung?, In op. Cit, Cassirer, IV, P. 169; trad. Eng.: Philosophy of the Enlightenment, Mexico, 1943. FCE, Pp 185-186. (regard) (... Cassirer cites three different and related aspects including the Enlightenment ...) 1) the extent of criticism of any belief or knowledge, without exception, 2 ) implementation of knowledge that, to be open to criticism, including instruments and organize for self-correction, 3) effective use in all fields of knowledge gained in this way, with the aim of improving individual lives and associated men. These three aspects, or rather the core tasks are, overall, one of relapsing forms of understanding and practice of philosophy and, especially, which has already found expression in the classical age of ancient Greece. (...) For modern Enlightenment is commonly understood the period from the last decades of the seventeenth century to the last decades of the eighteenth century, and this period is often referred without as the Enlightenment, Enlightenment or Enlightenment. " Abbagnano, Nicola. Dictionary of Philosophy. Editorial Ariel, Barcelona 1994. Pp 648-649.


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