The crisis of the capitalist system "responds to a deeper and more fundamental contradiction of the economic system: the contradiction between the social character of production and the private character of appropriation "Karl Marx
1. National situation in mass education:
As an intellectual humanist scientist in the field, it is Marx who called for unity of human beings: Workers of the world unite!, How? forming professional revolutionaries, disciplined and determined on a sustained basis in a multidisciplinary and multifaceted, in any space humanized, to address the privatization process and apprehend organize political power acute in an autonomous and independent of itself travels to for himself, thus ending the regime of exploitation, charrismo association with international financial imperialism, becoming an independent proletarian consciousness in the seizure of political power and education, to establish a provisional government formed by workers, peasants and popular sectors of the working class with an acute political-philosophical training, with these tasks, the sense of history in the educational process or humanization, as required Gramsci and Freire in the situation specific to emancipate the Mexican capitalism, through mass education.
required therefore, this training humane working-class values \u200b\u200bplaced on the virtuous act, which is fighting for its ultimate emancipation (beyond one's own existential contradictions, which are secondary as part of the difficulties and behavior of human existence from the uniqueness and equivocation of the class struggle), not only in economic or individual claiming struggles, but above all political and philosophical assumption and collectively, in which to understand the deeper meaning from the hermeneutic interpretation of the human being because the alleged "ideological neutrality" that appeals petty or scientistic conception in For pedagogical theory, and implies but does not recognize the subject of education, a political stance in defense of specific interests.
objective conditions for such education among the masses, the struggle can not be isolated or scattered, but they will progress in the alliance of organized class with a defined strategy and tactics in their differences and meeting points between the various forms of the working class, in streams of thought, fronts, unions, groups, etc. in a broad united front and working class to guide the interests and needs as historical subjects, with an organization that needs to be built in education sensible policy, making use of art, humanism, cybernetics, robotics, science, religions more authentic and intimate, and technology (being all of this social historical work condensate production in this period , offered marketplace as private ownership of means of production).
As you may appreciate, it takes us a self-education as proposed in his philosophy Lenkersdorf Tojolabal-a-political and educational philosophy to be aware of the socio-economic (objective conditions), political and cultural (conditions subjective) based on training articulated dialectical and historical sense of concrete reality, not fantasy or mystical or dogmatic, but as a whole constitutes politics and education on the subject be aware of its proletarian membership, including human development such as a concrete totality humanized. "We as the point where we see the character of systems and structures that developed capitalism and the ways to beat the masses to end their resources to crush" (1), in this vein, see the following analysis about life situation in Mexico, and concepts necessary in the educational field for teaching new meaning:
Salary and daily average Mexican family
Date Food Basket Price Purchasing Power
Recommended Real Wage Index
necessary labor time hours-minutes
15-Dec-87 3.95 0.49 100.00
-72.38 32.57 28.62 07.04 31-Dec-00 64.58 35.83 07.08 -64.17
31-Dec-06 36.72 10.10 80.83 -63.24
31-Dec-06 103.22 29.90 12.90 -70.10
15-Aug-08 115.69 27.75 14.46 -72.25
Source: Center for Multidisciplinary Analysis UNAM School of Economics. September 2008. Apud. Proletarian vanguard, the Central Organ of the Communist Party of Mexico (Marxist-Leninist). Year XXXI No. 314 weekly from 02 to 08 February 2009.
logic operation directly affects the worker proletarianized, having to work it more and more, with less pay and fewer opportunities for consumption and growth humanized, as the capitalist system in decay and in clear degradation in a crisis of over-imperialist imperialism as the final phase of capitalist development, based on private ownership of means of production is itself the social inequality between nations that emerged from the 1 st. and 2 nd. World Wars of prey, so the main enemy of the proletariat is the financial oligarchy and the bourgeoisie, to be a matter of an educational-political ie anthropomorphic philosophical but also existential as this oligarchy is the most complete expression of the bourgeois industrial, commercial, agricultural and usurious international imperialism in Mexico, in that reason, we are interested in mass education itself, self- and other (us) to meet with whom to work, why fight and to exist alongside the majority of the working class, identifying any human that historical era unfolded, in that educational process, can be evaluated on the assumption concrete historical role, the most visible obstacles monopoly in the development of capitalism and its laws extermination, to overcome this crisis of capitalism Mexican (2).
valuesa now the international situation that impedes the process of humanization sensitive for analysis and improvement, through political and educational development: Obstacles
monopoly to end the crisis
* Act preventing the maximum gain full use of
available resources * Control of economies through the financial centers of imperialism
* Management of our interest from the superpowers
* Deindustrialization of our economy
* Fixed to imperialism industrial complex patent
* Business and dependence technological
* Decrease the domestic market
* Importing large scale of obsolete equipment and cheap goods
* Theft of resources: external debt payments, capital flight and profits * Debris Field
important thing in the pedagogical dialogue the class struggle, is to consider the nuances and contradictions of the historical complex social traveled, who have been given in this educational process, which is historical and dialectical in aprehendizaje, through the grotesque and degrading example of bourgeois culture as hegemonic era, due to other similar struggles in its essence of abuse of power, so it must be built now objectively action-theoretical revolutionary proletarian class consciousness, freedom and will, that is a consistent practice, believes in the ethics of critical pedagogy, in a scientifically sound sensible rational sense in the context of class struggle, where highlight and identify the proletarian power as real power in mass education.
Resignifying humanized the process by the capacity of attention, respect and sincere dialogue alongside the workers, peasants and grassroots organized and unorganized, too, in a wide area multicultural empowered proletarian spirit possible reason for his sensitive, decreasing processes existential exploitation in the heat of battle, that the worker in general just feel like something wrong, but still can not explain with clear concepts and expressions planned in the future of revolutionary emancipation for himself, which is still representative images to the dominant ideology and its discourses of modernization, covering the life situation as something "funny" from the mythic-religious to the magic-imaginative, being inherited forms of religious education and military.
"The content of modernization, seen from the state, is to give a new rationale to the social relations in all fields of national life and the relationship with the outside, on the basis of resource savings and increased productivity.
To achieve this purpose there are, as Marx in Chapter VI novel, two alternatives:
1) Increase labor productivity by way of intensifying the use of machines (by increasing the productive forces), or
2) For through the devaluation of the labor force, ie the worker to produce more while keeping their income level, in the best-or as at present, reducing the level. "(3)
valuesa now in the process changing social historicity traveled an example of the deployment of the dialectic of the identity of power in the class struggle, which is itself the subject's behavior at that time historical hegemonic neo-fascist, as all concrete policy, to be pedagogically appreciate the need for counter-hegemony proletarian, in the articulation of the historical dialectic with the formation of critical and creative educational and historical subject:
"When Luther saw that the masses went further than he thought, the betrayed, not only reduced its war of extermination against Rome but entered the negotiations that have imposed on the princes who had adhered to the Reformation. Their server increasingly Luther even stated in his letter to the princes of Saxony against the rebellious spirit that Munzer was an instrument of Satan, and should therefore be cast from the same country, given that not only disclosed teachings harmful, but because inciting armed revolt and resistance against the authorities "(4). This accounts for the multicultural fabric between two cultures in the relations of political power abuse of political subjugation and counter-hegemonic resistance, between owners of the means of historical production and deprived of these means, through violence and injustice presented as the "law of the majority", and their class interests and needs in and of itself as isolated and static, in acts of manipulation and silencing the historicity of the ages. Differential
the fabric of human existence, is itself a condensation of educational events in the constitution of the subject along social historicity with regard to the political-pedagogical training, which is implicit, and that today is a task ethics to make it explicit in the framework of critical pedagogy, for this attitude can be enhanced vital human rights (5).
2. Correlation of forces in the educational process:
sensitivity in the process of educational policy, it is important "three general elements that support the struggle for socialist revolution in our country:
1. Are multiplying all the conditions so that in the imperialist countries, it generates control, organization, and resistance of the working class and the masses. The recent general strikes in France are just a sample of what is looming around.
are not all the problems of the banking and industrial monopolies, but also the proletarian struggle within the imperialist countries.
2. Inevitability of developing the inter-imperialist struggles in the fight for markets, now in a different way to the previous period, but equally acute, because they are generating neo-protectionist economic policies and even 'mixed economies', and the emergence of new economic blocs, with the decline of the EU bloc, Japan, Western Europe in some branches of production, finance and investment, in contradiction with the rise of China, Russia, India, Brazil. Realizing the struggle at other levels, a local landscape of new inter-imperialist wars is developed.
side of town But there is resistance to maintain sovereignty over natural resources raw materials and energy, giving new impetus to the anti-imperialist flags and anti-fascists, who are ultimately the task of revolutionary working class, the bourgeoisie has thrown these flags. In this respect are linked with goals and tasks, anti-imperialist and socialist revolution.
3. Progress on a set of neo-colonial countries outrage and mass struggle, growing organization in a better position, but in the current context of economic crisis and its impact on the working class and the masses.
not be ruled out that in the coming period to unfold pre-revolutionary phase, and particularly in Latin America are creating the conditions for breaking the weak link in the imperialist chain, toward the proletarian revolution What will take place in Mexico in the coming years? The answer lies in the working class and the mass movement, the international context in our favor "(6), these moments are examples vital to be accompanied and enhanced by the critical teacher education.
3. The policy of imperialism as an educational problem:
The abuse of political power imposed by the imperialist regime, we have consciousness, and must be translated into a process of human, that "of course imposes a tendency to use all reserves to shore up group monopolistic areas that allow positioning on existing conditions, sometimes with activity productive or unproductive, reactivating other production, or lowering it as appropriate to the satisfaction of their benefits integration of capital present and the proposed objectives. Particularly
monopoly group, which is joining forces in a series of monopolies in almost all economic branches, becomes the element further exacerbation of the problem related to the crisis mode of regulation of capital flows and system of internal relations and the laws of profit and its distribution.
Under such provisions at the end of the financial capital operated continuously constricts consumption of the majority with wage cuts and reduction of public resources that were once reciprocated in services such as health, housing or other, and are now transferred mainly to solve the problems of financial capital.
This was also the point at which the majority could no longer have the previous purchasing power, companies stockpile goods (so-called stored stock: overproduction of goods), or reduced their production and services until they pass economic stagnation and industrial and financial oligarchy had to discard their targets before and act more fully in mutual predation.
Ultimately overproduction, could not pay more for banking monopolies came the mortgage crisis, agricultural and industrial. An attempt was made in 2007 and 2008 contain the crisis by addressing the interests of banks and speculators in the stock, as is public knowledge, were employees of $ 700 billion budget gringo to bail out the speculators of the mortgages in America "( 7). In the specific context of the structural situation in Mexico is necessary to refer to last their respective socio-cultural thinking in the area to combat the ideology (8) key.
4. Mass education:
Finally as a conclusion and proposal on the recognition of the proletariat in mass education, is set to debate the purpose of making an appreciable voice in the political-philosophical and pedagogical culture for the proletariat, it is clear that abuse of political power in the logic of capital at the expense of the lives of the working class will continue with the example increasingly violent and grotesque outburst of illegal and unconstitutional free public education in the crisis of capital and main laws, explained in summary form in this paper to assess specifically the categories of political power, class struggle and political sensitivity in human development pedagogical or educational.
As for the privatization of education, states that it is becoming more widespread in Mexico, supported the privatization of the charrismo union, so you can see politically, that is to defend human rights of the proletariat, how privatization of higher education, was halted so stoic in the 99-2000 student movement at UNAM in the context of all contemporary concrete policy as a pedagogical example vital, ie as an international icon in mass education, embodied in each of the historical and educational subjects participating in it as a individualcolectivo (9) for self-conscious working class, the proletariat assumed all the facts differences and nuances in this process of transition from the behavior of the historical subject and trained there to build up its own historical and social emancipation, against all kinds of dispossession imposed by the bourgeois. But today
exerting great violence, dispossession as is happening in other areas of knowledge generation and production in general, supported this unjust dispossession coast direct work with only their labor to put it on sale, as an exploited class against their oppressors, as the ruling class is facing a fight to the death, because their goal is to privatize everything is privatized, such as energy, since water to oil, minerals, food, housing, health, entertainment, media and now quietly and gradually turn to free public education at all educational levels in this period of capitalist decadence international and global imperialism, understood as the last stage of existence of this system of capitalist exploitation. So goes
leaving such a transition period of reform in a strong learning, with specific examples of neo-colonial and neo-fascist tone to bring the worker proletarianized, examples of this repression were the Alliance for Quality Education (ACE), the Plan Puebla Panama (PPP) or justification for militarization of the country with the Merida Initiative, that have a high resistance to its imposition by subject self organized resistance and vital human rights.
So the first thing to expropriate humane education in the nuances of sound sensitivity, are the means of communication and information of the working people, with a pedagogical-educational to continue dialogue and meaning to the humanization process based on scientific training from the human condition is more primitive than the survival of their sensitivity, their offspring for himself, because "need blind only when it is not understood. Because freedom is not simply the knowledge of necessity. "(10) In this categorical framework for the critical dialectic in the historical context of language education among the masses, is vital to understand, significantly the meaning of human work, thinking in the educational process in question, built by the social relations of production prevailing in the recognition of the class struggle, in other words built on the confidence of proletarian unity.
"This concept of education as a spontaneous function of society in which the offspring resembles the adult, exactly in the primitive community, ceased to be in the primitive community was slowly turning into a society divided into classes. <…> Such a transformation has great importance for us. In primitive society collaboration among men was based on common ownership and ties of blood fell to the new link that slavery opened: the one that generates the power of man over man. From that moment the purpose of education ceased to be implicit in the overall structure of the community.
Or to put it another way: with the disappearance of the common interests of all equal members of a group, and their replacement by different interests, little by little antagonistic, the educational process until then split single, the economic inequality between "organizers", increasingly more operators, and "enforcers", increasingly exploited, necessarily brought in their respective educational inequality. " (11)
What historical accounts from the different needs and interests of life, between the proletarian culture and bourgeois culture, it is clear that their values \u200b\u200babout freedom and responsibility for processing, are expressed in different terms, so it must be permanently resignified education of new languages.
For these reasons it is important dialogic communication, teacher training militant, with and for the masses, allowing charge to proletarian class consciousness itself against private ownership of means of production.
(1) Vid. Arenas, Cesar. The cohesion of the process. About the organization of mass work. Editorial PCM (ml), Mexico 2008. P. 9.
(2) Vid. Cuevas, Felipe. Crisis of the foundations of capitalism. Mexico 2009. Mimeographed. P. 6.
(3) Cf Valqui Cachi, Camilo (Coord.). Marx's thought on the threshold of XXI century. By Mario Aguirre Beltrán. Editorial Commune, UAG. 1995 Mexico. P. 107.
(4) Vid. Ponce, Anibal. Education and Class Struggle. Editorial Quinto Sol, Nd Mexico. P. 112.
(5) According to Heinz Dieterich, state terrorism is as old as class society itself, and although it is one of the main modes of operation of many contemporary nation states, has not been well analyzed. Many of the issues and legalities of this sinister phenomenon are to be investigated and require further study. Among them is the dimension legal problems from lack of adequate definitions in international law for the phenomenon of 'disappearances', for example, to the absence of a legal institution of supranational executive. " Vid. EU and international terrorism. Noam Chomsky, Edward S. Herman, Heinz Dieterich, James Petras, Jan Pieterse Nederveeen. Ed UAM and Plaza y Valdes, México1988. P. 31.
(6) Cf proletarian vanguard. No. 318 of 02 to 08 March 2009, Mexico. P. 3.
(7) Vid. Cuevas, Felipe. Crisis of the foundations of capitalism. Mexico 2009. Mimeographed. P. 7.
(8) To Luis Villoro, ideology is sized as follows: 1. Set of statements feature: a) show products of work as separate things or qualities of that work. b) Explain the production process for these products reified. 2. Set of statements presented as fact or objective quality that is subjective quality: a) Statements which present particular class interests as general interests. b) Statements of value are presented as statements of fact. 3. Set of statements expressing beliefs ultimately conditioned by the social relations of production. 4. Set of statements expressing beliefs that serve a social function. The ideology is a form of concealment in which the interests and preferences own of a social group are disguised by posing as universal values \u200b\u200band interests and thus become acceptable to all. See The concept of ideology. Ed FCE, Mexico N / d. From this conception is possible to distinguish science-based ideology for both oppression and for social emancipation.
Vid. Louis Althusser et al. Controversy over Marxism and humanism. Ed Siglo XXI, Mexico 1974. Pp 18-19. "Just knowing very schematically that an ideology is a system (which has its own logic and rigor) of representations (images, myths, ideas or concepts, as applicable), endowed with an existence and a historical role within society given. Without entering into the problem of the relations of science with his past (ideology), we can say that the ideology and system of representation differs from science in that practical and social function is more important than the theoretical function (or knowledge ). "
(9) Valentina Canton concerning category individualcolectivo to clarify" the conception of the subject as a subject off center, to be renounced and therefore deprived of certainty, comfort and truth, a subject in constant search and movement, are at the same time, its products and other strangeness about himself and things he knows; alienation that leads him the need and the recognition of what is missing, what they want, at least as good 'material' and may explain, create your definition with words like! even 'interest', then be consistent with them in their action ", so it involves the collective individual and the collective individual, which is synthesized in particular from the notion of Hegelian-Marxist conception, methodologically speaking. The category of Canton, through all the logic of the research presented. Cf Valentina Canton, 1 +1 +1 does not equal 3. A proposal for teacher training based on the recognition of the individual. Ed UPN Texts Collection No. 6, Mexico 1997. 173 pp. P. 140.
(10) Vid. Lenin, IV The Three Sources and Three Component Parts of Marxism. Progress Publishers, Moscow 1974. P. 20.
(11) Vid. Ponce, Anibal. Education and class struggle. Editorial Quinto Sol, Mexico N / d. Pp 12, 16 and 17. In this work our author, argues that "Marx was right then, when he said that 'at the beginning of civilization are not individuals, but families, tribes, etc., which are opposite each other." Apud. The Capital, TIP 269, although it is wrong to believe the family predated the tribe, as he himself later acknowledged. "
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